God's loveliest creations.......it is surprising that when i think of the word 'bear'...the image i see is of 'baloo-papa bear' of talespin otherwise its my teddy bear...as a kid , i really wanted a bear(to be precise a bear cub) at home just because it is a soft furry cute looking animal......but one trip to the zoo....and mummmyyyy no bears !!!!(they seemed to have prty rough fur ,sharp long nails, dusty and climbed trees in a weird manner.... :-O )....
Elephants-huge,majestic,eat a lot!!!........the temple elephant of kumbhakonam is my favorite one ......so playful and happy...i named him the happy elephant... (until i met this guy it somehow never striked me that the trunk of an elephant was its nose....lol... i was under this horribly stupid impression that they use it for drinking water)....and btw this guy only drinks filter(pure) coffee...
tortoise- tippu!!!!.....my school mate had a tortoise called tiptop.....at least from the lil interaction i had with this guy .....he proved to be the most cost-effective pet......eats 4 beans a week.....and is in hibernation most of the time..........
he looked cute unlike the 'teenage mutant ninja turtles'...
he so tiny...
and his shell all shiny.....
rabbits- pinky-white ,delicate bundles of cotton . the lunch hours of my 1st yr engi for about 3 months were dedicated to feeding carrots to the lovely rabbits at oasis(thts a play school located beside my college....)that was a pleasure indeed... :-) ( sad they had to go..)
but more recently got to see these beautiful creatures again at rajeev's place and man they were as soft as ever!!! :-)
dogs-lovable,friendly,best companion anyone can have.........
ROCKY!!!-a doberman pincher!!!....well dont get carried away by that......this guy had all qualities except of that of a pincher!!......playful,no sign of any sort of ferociousness
his vet was always of the opinion -"too playful to be a doberman"
well as a dog....he was just like any other dog......hated baths,loved crispy biscuits/pedigree,playing,.....and after a bath got dead hyper active....
he considered himself to be way too old for kids to play with him......he consciously ignored them... :P
but he did prove that he had sme qualities of a 'hunting dog' by hunting down a pigeon (who happened to be lazing on the fence oblivious of his presence).......and also a rat who was trying to play hide n seek wth him ......(not too sure if that counts for hunting)....
on the whole a sweetie pie ,one who i can never forget!! :(
animals rule!!!! :)
ps. if the villian's apprehension in 'open season' ever comes true... i need not worry....i have my animal buddies...... :-)
I am impressed. I thought your animal love was basically because of Rocky. But I didn't know you had so many reasons :)
nee oru tarzan
@dc-ada pavvi poyum poyum na tamil solli thandha yen blog la ye 'ne oru tarzan' ne comment pannuviya!!..too much!!
rabbit :P
wher's part 2???
I agree with DC..!! :P
& maybe you could teach us how to make so many animal-pals too..!! :-)
@shub...animals only like ppl wth warm hearts and sme emotions!!!.....so none of u guys fit in there,,,,lol.....
cudn't agree more with dc .. thts bthe first and last thing tht comes to a guy's mind after a read :P
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