Sunday, June 10, 2007

couples not allowed..........

'only couples allowed' this statement i guess we are familiar with considering the fact that they are one of the 'must' sentence's in many 'party' advertisements which come in the newspaper.....

so the other day when a whiteboard read the following statement in bold black letters -->'couples NOT allowed' ,i actually re-read that to confirm if my eyes were not assuming things.

and this whiteboard was placed outside a internet cafe!!!lol.....

(what,why,......left to the imagination of the reader!!)


Rajeev Turlapati said...

very obvious!
hmmmm,poor cafes have reasons.

Avinash said...

lol !!

Akshaya said...

Thats for the simple reason that the girl will beat up the guy if she knows what he generally does there [:p] Boys, no offence, this is from what I have heard from guys!

Shubhankar said...

You shouldn't really give me the chance to speculate on "sensitive" issues like this...more so because this is a "decent gal"'s blog & i was called...well..nevermind...

I will leave the imagination to the others....I already have mine ready.. :D